Thursday, April 24, 2008

Loving Husband

I do love him, I do. So don't take my complaints the wrong way. I know I am a lucky woman to have a great husband like B, but...

The other night we were out at my SIL's house and it was time to go. I go to my purse to grab my keys and can't find them. This is somewhat typical of me, so I start taking things out figuring they are at the bottom of the bag. Still can't find them. Finally DH notices me looking frantically through my bag and says as if I should have known..."the car is started already". I said, "with my keys?" He says, "Yes". I say - "SO YOU WENT IN MY PURSE, TOOK OUT MY KEYS, STARTED THE CAR and I WAS SUPPOSED TO FIGURE THIS OUT HOW SINCE YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING?" He says, " I don't know"...

This is not of the reasons I love of the reasons I....

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