Tuesday, October 14, 2008
We've Moved
Since PARENTise has gone live, we've moved our blog over to the new site. Come and visit us at PARENTise! See you over there!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
We're Live
Wow! Today is the day! PARENTise finally went live. It took 2 years of thinking about it, months of detail work, what feels like years of stress, and then euphoria last night.
Today, I'm focused on getting the site out there and letting people know about it. But I'm scared. People could like it or not. So, after all this time working on it, it's a waiting game to see what happens with it.
Wish me luck!
P.S. Come for a visit and look around. Let me know what you think! www.parentise.com
Today, I'm focused on getting the site out there and letting people know about it. But I'm scared. People could like it or not. So, after all this time working on it, it's a waiting game to see what happens with it.
Wish me luck!
P.S. Come for a visit and look around. Let me know what you think! www.parentise.com
Friday, September 26, 2008
Business Plan Review
This past week I had a business plan review with the local Small Business Development Center. My reviewer has a lot of experience with developing businesses, and he now has a part time gig helping entrepreneurs.
I was excited to get a chance to have a professional review my business plan, but since I don't have any experience with creating a business I wasn't sure what to expect from a discussion with a professional entrpreneur.
He went through my business plan with a fine toothed comb and tore most of it apart. He talked about critical assumptions, financial backing and the work that I needed to put into the plan to make it viable.
But he didn't really discuss the strength of the business idea or the long term planning. He didn't seem to have a real grasp on Web 2.0 marketing and creating a website that doesn't sell a product.
I feel like I got a lot of really good information, but that a lot of what he had to offer wasn't specific for the type of business I'm trying to set up. I recommend having a business plan review, but I'd suggest connecting with someone who has experience with your type of business or function.
I was excited to get a chance to have a professional review my business plan, but since I don't have any experience with creating a business I wasn't sure what to expect from a discussion with a professional entrpreneur.
He went through my business plan with a fine toothed comb and tore most of it apart. He talked about critical assumptions, financial backing and the work that I needed to put into the plan to make it viable.
But he didn't really discuss the strength of the business idea or the long term planning. He didn't seem to have a real grasp on Web 2.0 marketing and creating a website that doesn't sell a product.
I feel like I got a lot of really good information, but that a lot of what he had to offer wasn't specific for the type of business I'm trying to set up. I recommend having a business plan review, but I'd suggest connecting with someone who has experience with your type of business or function.
Monday, September 15, 2008
This weekend was fantastic. My darling husband threw me a surprise birthday party with all of my closest friends and family. It was a true SURPRISE which was fantastic. It was also my first ever surprise birthday party! I have had surprise showers, which were awesome, but this was the first time it was just for me - just because something was happening to/for me!
I don't normally like surprises, but he did a great job. He set it up at our favorite restaurant, got a ton of our wedding flowers, got our friends and family to attend, and he even had a paper invitation!!! (applause for him inserted here!)
It was a big birthday and it made me do a bit of a life review. I was thinking about where I am today compared to where I thought I was going to be and where I am going to be in 10 years.
Things aren't perfect, but when I take a look at the big things - I think I've done pretty good so far, graduated from college and grad school, married to a fabulous man, 2 gorgeous baby girls, a good job at a leading organization, fantastic friends, good relationships with family, and days away from launching my first website (crossed fingers).
In ten years I have no idea where I'll be, but I hope I'll look back and be as happy with where I've been as I am today.
I don't normally like surprises, but he did a great job. He set it up at our favorite restaurant, got a ton of our wedding flowers, got our friends and family to attend, and he even had a paper invitation!!! (applause for him inserted here!)
It was a big birthday and it made me do a bit of a life review. I was thinking about where I am today compared to where I thought I was going to be and where I am going to be in 10 years.
Things aren't perfect, but when I take a look at the big things - I think I've done pretty good so far, graduated from college and grad school, married to a fabulous man, 2 gorgeous baby girls, a good job at a leading organization, fantastic friends, good relationships with family, and days away from launching my first website (crossed fingers).
In ten years I have no idea where I'll be, but I hope I'll look back and be as happy with where I've been as I am today.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Next Steps
This was a pretty good week for the website. I had a call with our new lawyer on Monday, and by Friday, we had our Privacy Policy developed. Score! I was also able to secure a writer for a weekly article, and have another writer in the works.
In between all of that, I had a lot of fun with the babies, celebrated our anniversary with the hubby, ordered invitations for the Baptism and birthday party and did announcements for baby girl. Plus, we're getting ready for an incredibly busy weekend!
Oh yeah and did I mention I ran a few times! I'm getting better!
In between all of that, I had a lot of fun with the babies, celebrated our anniversary with the hubby, ordered invitations for the Baptism and birthday party and did announcements for baby girl. Plus, we're getting ready for an incredibly busy weekend!
Oh yeah and did I mention I ran a few times! I'm getting better!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Incident in the Grocery Store
I have been ultra productive during my maternity leave. I have done a lot of dishes, a lot of laundry and a lot of cleaning, but today was the first time that I went to the grocery store in the morning.
I got there at 9:10am and was done by 9:30am - I only needed a few things - and I thought I was moving fast, but then...when I was headed for the cash register to check out - this little old woman - javascript:void(0)she must have been 75 or older - ran right past me and snagged my spot in line!
I'm serious - she didn't knock me over or anything, but she did literally run past me to get into line first - I was flabbergasted...then I started laughing...and laughing...people would have thought I was crazy - but it was 9 in the morning and there wasn't anyone in the store!
I got there at 9:10am and was done by 9:30am - I only needed a few things - and I thought I was moving fast, but then...when I was headed for the cash register to check out - this little old woman - javascript:void(0)she must have been 75 or older - ran right past me and snagged my spot in line!
I'm serious - she didn't knock me over or anything, but she did literally run past me to get into line first - I was flabbergasted...then I started laughing...and laughing...people would have thought I was crazy - but it was 9 in the morning and there wasn't anyone in the store!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Live Date
So, we pushed back the live date by 30 days to the first of October. I am pretty sad about that on one level, but super psyched on the other.
I really wanted to go-live, but I didn't want to go-live with a subpar product. So, we made the decision to wait. When we do go-live the site will be ready for it, adn we'll have made it into something that we can be really proud of - instead of thinking about the things that we could have would have or should have made better or changed.
I am ready. I have got a marketing plan in my head and am in the process of getting it onto paper. I am learning about SEO and PR...I am making headway in so many areas - I am really excited.
So, less than 30 days and counting! Wish us luck!
I really wanted to go-live, but I didn't want to go-live with a subpar product. So, we made the decision to wait. When we do go-live the site will be ready for it, adn we'll have made it into something that we can be really proud of - instead of thinking about the things that we could have would have or should have made better or changed.
I am ready. I have got a marketing plan in my head and am in the process of getting it onto paper. I am learning about SEO and PR...I am making headway in so many areas - I am really excited.
So, less than 30 days and counting! Wish us luck!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Pre School
Ahh...the first real day of preschool. It went well thank god, but it could have been better. I am already letting people get to me, and it's only the second day that she's been there and already I am feeling like I am just not doing it right.
I forgot to pack her blanket, so she was the only kid without one. (but I did notice that another kid had a blanket, but no sheet, so at least I wasn't the only one who forgot something).
I forgot to tell the teachers that she takes a binky at naptime, so it took them half an hour to give it to her...I don't want to think about how she was crying while they were figuring it out...
I got caught peeking in the window trying to take a peek at her - and was chastised by the teacher...
Ahh...that's the big stuff...
Now for day two!
I forgot to pack her blanket, so she was the only kid without one. (but I did notice that another kid had a blanket, but no sheet, so at least I wasn't the only one who forgot something).
I forgot to tell the teachers that she takes a binky at naptime, so it took them half an hour to give it to her...I don't want to think about how she was crying while they were figuring it out...
I got caught peeking in the window trying to take a peek at her - and was chastised by the teacher...
Ahh...that's the big stuff...
Now for day two!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Did you know that Thomas' English Muffins used to be made with High Fructose Corn Syrup? I didn't! But apparently they've changed the recipe and they are now NOT made with High Fructose Corn Syrup. Who knew. Score one for reading labels...I just assumed that whole wheat muffins were healthy...you know what they say when you assume!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Maybe not good news...
Apparently Maya's Mom is closing down.
I can't figure out if this is a good thing - the members will need something to replace it - as apparently some of them are very upset and not planning on moving on to BabyCenter; or a bad thing - if it didn't work for them who am I to think that my site will work.
Yes, we have a totally different premise, but it is essentially the same demographic and well, having anything in the market that I'm focused on close down is scary. VERY SCARY...reassurance would be appreciated.
I can't figure out if this is a good thing - the members will need something to replace it - as apparently some of them are very upset and not planning on moving on to BabyCenter; or a bad thing - if it didn't work for them who am I to think that my site will work.
Yes, we have a totally different premise, but it is essentially the same demographic and well, having anything in the market that I'm focused on close down is scary. VERY SCARY...reassurance would be appreciated.
business start up,
Maya's Mom,
social networking
Go Hillary! The speech she gave last night was just great. Republican or Democrat I think that all women (and men) should be really proud of her! She almost made it to the Presidency (maybe in 8 years she'll try again) and she gave a great speech last night.
Check it out here and here and here
Good stuff...
Check it out here and here and here
Good stuff...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Women's Equality Day
Monday, August 25, 2008
Baby Girl #1 and I had a great time hanging out yesterday. I read about this activity over at Tutus and Turtles. I don't consider myself to be a creative person, so it's always nice when someone else lays out a cool activity like this.
I dyed the pasta on Friday and left it to sit overnight. It dried all day Saturday out in the sun (it didn't need all day, but we were busy, so it did). I pulled it out during our day together, yesterday, and baby girl had a great time. She played with the pasta for an hour! An hour of focused time for a not quite 2 year old - unfathomable! It was great. I sat with her and we sorted pasta, counted it, laid it out in straight lines, sat on it, saved some from the cat, etc...it was a good time.
I'll be sure to head back to Tutus and Turtles the next time I need an activity!
Maybe I'm Not Such a Bad Mom
I'll admit it - I was scared. Scared to have them both home alone at the same time. Yes, it's been almost 6 weeks, and I haven't been home alone with both girls for more than an hour or so.
But I was today. You see, my husband has this mistress - called hockey. He refs hockey from September through to May, and it takes him away from home for many many many hours...but you'll hear more about that another time. The point is that he was at hockey from 7am to 5pm today...
Last night I was anxious and scared. You see, Darling Daughter #1 has a tendency to grab and hit Baby Girl #2. I don't think she means anything by it - I think it is pretty normal stuff for an almost 2 year old who just had her life turned upside down when this new baby came to live in the room next to hers (well she doesn't quite live in that room yet, but you know what I mean). So, I'm not worried about her being a sociopath or anything like that - I understand that is normal, but the problem is that it is never ending. On Saturday - she grabbed her sister's face 5 times in a row - and by in a row I mean - she grabbed, we pulled her aside, sat with her explained why she couldn't grab and how it hurt, and went back to life. She went right back over to her sister and grabbed her again. Then did it 4 more times.
So, I was scared. Scared that while I was nursing Baby Girl #2, she would do something crazy. Scared that it would be a fight - her grabbing her her sister, me taking her aside, her sister crying and screaming, her crying...the scenario continues.
But it wasn't like that. It was actually really great to have them both home and together. We played, and walked, and hung out and it was good. #2, was doing good - had no problems, and #1 didn't try to grab her - not even once.
It was a good day - and it made me feel like maybe I'm not so bad at this parenting thing after all. Maybe...there's still tomorrow and the next 100 years to get through.
But I was today. You see, my husband has this mistress - called hockey. He refs hockey from September through to May, and it takes him away from home for many many many hours...but you'll hear more about that another time. The point is that he was at hockey from 7am to 5pm today...
Last night I was anxious and scared. You see, Darling Daughter #1 has a tendency to grab and hit Baby Girl #2. I don't think she means anything by it - I think it is pretty normal stuff for an almost 2 year old who just had her life turned upside down when this new baby came to live in the room next to hers (well she doesn't quite live in that room yet, but you know what I mean). So, I'm not worried about her being a sociopath or anything like that - I understand that is normal, but the problem is that it is never ending. On Saturday - she grabbed her sister's face 5 times in a row - and by in a row I mean - she grabbed, we pulled her aside, sat with her explained why she couldn't grab and how it hurt, and went back to life. She went right back over to her sister and grabbed her again. Then did it 4 more times.
So, I was scared. Scared that while I was nursing Baby Girl #2, she would do something crazy. Scared that it would be a fight - her grabbing her her sister, me taking her aside, her sister crying and screaming, her crying...the scenario continues.
But it wasn't like that. It was actually really great to have them both home and together. We played, and walked, and hung out and it was good. #2, was doing good - had no problems, and #1 didn't try to grab her - not even once.
It was a good day - and it made me feel like maybe I'm not so bad at this parenting thing after all. Maybe...there's still tomorrow and the next 100 years to get through.
Friday, August 22, 2008
My Life
My life on maternity leave continued...:
* 1 pumping session
* Changed diaper
* Drove to husband's office to drop off the items he forgot today
* Dropped off books (only 1 day overdue) at the library
* Nursed baby girl
* Ate breakfast
* Talked with Nicole by phone
* Played with baby girl
* Nursed baby girl
* Cleaned out the food cabinet
* Nursed baby girl
* Changed diaper
* Fixed a problem with a company I was dealing with
* Reordered prescriptions
* Watched more t.v.
* Nursed baby girl
* Reviewed grocery circulars
* Read the news
* Blogged....
All in a day's work...and tonight - we're off to Boston Market for Friday night dinner!
* 1 pumping session
* Changed diaper
* Drove to husband's office to drop off the items he forgot today
* Dropped off books (only 1 day overdue) at the library
* Nursed baby girl
* Ate breakfast
* Talked with Nicole by phone
* Played with baby girl
* Nursed baby girl
* Cleaned out the food cabinet
* Nursed baby girl
* Changed diaper
* Fixed a problem with a company I was dealing with
* Reordered prescriptions
* Watched more t.v.
* Nursed baby girl
* Reviewed grocery circulars
* Read the news
* Blogged....
All in a day's work...and tonight - we're off to Boston Market for Friday night dinner!
Math - Not so Tough Anymore?
A new study reports to show that the gap between girls and boys as it relates to math capabilities...Check it out here
I only wish that this were the case years ago. I want to go back to my Junior year math teacher who told my aunt, "she just doesn't get math", and tell her to shove it...
Maybe now no one will say this to my girls!
I only wish that this were the case years ago. I want to go back to my Junior year math teacher who told my aunt, "she just doesn't get math", and tell her to shove it...
Maybe now no one will say this to my girls!
Monday, August 18, 2008
I just found a great deal - Seventh Generation offers coupons on their website for their diapers! $2.00 off, that's a really good deal. To think - I've been buying them for over a year and a half now, and I could have been saving money!
Bad news - they don't work online and we order our diapers from Diapers.com...so that sucks, but I can make it to the store every once in a while if it's going to save me money!
Just go to their website and register and you can print them from there!
Bad news - they don't work online and we order our diapers from Diapers.com...so that sucks, but I can make it to the store every once in a while if it's going to save me money!
Just go to their website and register and you can print them from there!
Trying the big G
When we had baby girl #1, we used cloth diapers on her for the first 6 months. I would have gone on longer, but my mother-in-law and day care lady (who combined account for 5 days of childcare for her) weren't well...I guess the word is enthusiastic...about the use of the cloth diapers. I didn't really see much of an increased time committment to using them, but then again it was all I really knew...
Anyway - we would have done it again with baby girl #2, but we decided that since our child care arrangements hadn't changed it would be prudent to choose another option. So, we are going the route of a mix of disposable diapers and hybrid diapers.
You may be asking - what are hybrid diapers...well, they are a cloth diaper outside with a disposable inside - meaning you reuse the outside and throw away the insides. The great thing is that the insides are biodegradable, so you aren't throwing anything out into the environment that will last for the next 100 years or so, or pollute the environment. We'll probably make use of Seventh Generation diapers for her while she is in the care of my MIL or our day care lady, just because that is what they want, and they are great so, we like to make them happy!
Anyway - back to the G diapers...they aren't cheap - $0.41 a diaper where we buy them, compared to $.031 for the Seventh Generation disposables for her size, but I consider it an investment in the environment and in her future...
So far they've been easy to use - living up to their ability to be flushed in the toilet, and they come with really cute diaper covers - I just need to get a few more of them.
Anyway - we would have done it again with baby girl #2, but we decided that since our child care arrangements hadn't changed it would be prudent to choose another option. So, we are going the route of a mix of disposable diapers and hybrid diapers.
You may be asking - what are hybrid diapers...well, they are a cloth diaper outside with a disposable inside - meaning you reuse the outside and throw away the insides. The great thing is that the insides are biodegradable, so you aren't throwing anything out into the environment that will last for the next 100 years or so, or pollute the environment. We'll probably make use of Seventh Generation diapers for her while she is in the care of my MIL or our day care lady, just because that is what they want, and they are great so, we like to make them happy!
Anyway - back to the G diapers...they aren't cheap - $0.41 a diaper where we buy them, compared to $.031 for the Seventh Generation disposables for her size, but I consider it an investment in the environment and in her future...
So far they've been easy to use - living up to their ability to be flushed in the toilet, and they come with really cute diaper covers - I just need to get a few more of them.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Exciting news! We are so close to the Beta live at PARENTise.com and it's getting more exciting by the moment!
This past week, while I was virutally incommunicado, my partner did some major design work! I was so excited to see it - it was really exciting to see what has been in my head for so long come to fruition! I was giddy with excitement, I didn't expect to feel that way - but it is pretty darn AWESOME!!
Also, I was able to contact a few business owners I know about advertising, and they sent me their banner ads so that we could have them up for the Beta live - well, right now I only have one - but it looks great, and I hope to have the other real soon! Thank you to Angela from www.pbkisses.com and to Jen from www.elliebelliekids.com!
And I got a few of the content areas completed - which was time consuming and feels great to have accomplished!
Then today - I think I might have finally found a lawyer to help with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy - which we need to go live! That would be a big weight lifted off of my shoulders!
So, all in all even with the lack of internet access, this week was pretty good for PARENTise - and we are so many steps closer to the real thing - I can feel it - and I am so ready!
This past week, while I was virutally incommunicado, my partner did some major design work! I was so excited to see it - it was really exciting to see what has been in my head for so long come to fruition! I was giddy with excitement, I didn't expect to feel that way - but it is pretty darn AWESOME!!
Also, I was able to contact a few business owners I know about advertising, and they sent me their banner ads so that we could have them up for the Beta live - well, right now I only have one - but it looks great, and I hope to have the other real soon! Thank you to Angela from www.pbkisses.com and to Jen from www.elliebelliekids.com!
And I got a few of the content areas completed - which was time consuming and feels great to have accomplished!
Then today - I think I might have finally found a lawyer to help with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy - which we need to go live! That would be a big weight lifted off of my shoulders!
So, all in all even with the lack of internet access, this week was pretty good for PARENTise - and we are so many steps closer to the real thing - I can feel it - and I am so ready!
business start up,
web site
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I am going through withdrawal - I am currently on vacation and the house that we are staying at does not have wireless (or any) internet connection! AHHH...the horrors!
No, seriously, this is hard for me. I was supposed to have some work for the website done this week, and now I can't do it because I have no internet connection to get to the stuff I need and to do the research I need, let alone to email it to my partner. Now we'll be a week behind getting the site up.
We stayed at this house last year, and we had wireless, this year we don't. You might be thinking - go to an internet cafe or a library...and sure that would work, except, I have a 3 week old baby and a 21 month old toddler who wouldn't do really well sitting still while Mommy works! I can't even imagine.
Anyway - I am on vacation - so I should enjoy it - the weather is beautiful, the beach is great, and baby girl is having a good old time! I could tell you some of the more sordid details, but that will have to wait until I get back...
No, seriously, this is hard for me. I was supposed to have some work for the website done this week, and now I can't do it because I have no internet connection to get to the stuff I need and to do the research I need, let alone to email it to my partner. Now we'll be a week behind getting the site up.
We stayed at this house last year, and we had wireless, this year we don't. You might be thinking - go to an internet cafe or a library...and sure that would work, except, I have a 3 week old baby and a 21 month old toddler who wouldn't do really well sitting still while Mommy works! I can't even imagine.
Anyway - I am on vacation - so I should enjoy it - the weather is beautiful, the beach is great, and baby girl is having a good old time! I could tell you some of the more sordid details, but that will have to wait until I get back...
internet access,
wireless connection
Friday, August 8, 2008
A Day in the Life
A Day in the life of me on maternity leave - alright - well - half a day...
* 3 loads of wash done
* 2 loads of wash folded
* 2 sets of sheets changed
* 2 loads of laundry put away
* 2 pumping sessions (yeah)
* innumerable diapers changed
* A LOT of television watched
* A LOT of computer time
* started packing for the shore
* A LOT of Swedish Fish eaten
Ahh...and they say that out of the house work is hard...
* 3 loads of wash done
* 2 loads of wash folded
* 2 sets of sheets changed
* 2 loads of laundry put away
* 2 pumping sessions (yeah)
* innumerable diapers changed
* A LOT of television watched
* A LOT of computer time
* started packing for the shore
* A LOT of Swedish Fish eaten
Ahh...and they say that out of the house work is hard...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Back to School
After visiting the school that baby girl will be attending in AHHHHH just under 1 month, I realized that I have to get some school supplies! Not the traditional back to school stuff, but I need a lunch box and some permanent markers to write her name on everything and probably a few iron on tags, etc. It's almost like preparing for camp...
Anyway - the ladies over at Cool Mom Picks have done a lot of the guess work for us, they've got a review section for the best back to school items! It's worth taking a look at!
Anyway - the ladies over at Cool Mom Picks have done a lot of the guess work for us, they've got a review section for the best back to school items! It's worth taking a look at!
World Breastfeeding Week
If you didn't know, it is World Breastfeeding Week a week to celebrate and encourage breastfeeding. As a nursing mom, I totally support this type of educational week. I swear people think that breastfeeding is dirty - otherwise I can't explain the dirty looks I get when I nurse my daughter (and I always wear a Hooter Hider so it's not even like they can see my breast or anything.
Although I must admit that at first it was daunting to nurse in public - even with a cover - it has gotten so much easier - there isn't much you can do when you have a screaming child who needs to be fed...hence it gets easier. The first time baby girl #1 needed to be fed in public I remember hiding behind my stroller sitting on a bench with my cover and trying not to look anyone in the eye. Now, I'll sit anywhere and do it, although I am not comfortable enough not to be covered... (but more power to you if you are!)
Even my husband would rather I go somewhere "private"...but as I tell him - when you are responsible for feeding our daughter from your body you can go anywhere private that you want, but I am going to continue leading my life.
I get that it has to do with the breasts and that makes people uncomfortable, but when I need to feed my daughter...that's what needs to happen, and how uncomfortable can you be when you can't see anything? Thoughts?
Although I must admit that at first it was daunting to nurse in public - even with a cover - it has gotten so much easier - there isn't much you can do when you have a screaming child who needs to be fed...hence it gets easier. The first time baby girl #1 needed to be fed in public I remember hiding behind my stroller sitting on a bench with my cover and trying not to look anyone in the eye. Now, I'll sit anywhere and do it, although I am not comfortable enough not to be covered... (but more power to you if you are!)
Even my husband would rather I go somewhere "private"...but as I tell him - when you are responsible for feeding our daughter from your body you can go anywhere private that you want, but I am going to continue leading my life.
I get that it has to do with the breasts and that makes people uncomfortable, but when I need to feed my daughter...that's what needs to happen, and how uncomfortable can you be when you can't see anything? Thoughts?
I've been reading a lot about back to school lately, and luckily, my 21 month and 3 week old are far from needing protractors and Trapper Keepers (remember them from back in the day?) my daughter is starting a Montessori school this September. This morning I took my Mother-in-law to visit the school, since she has been taking care of baby girl 3x a week since she was 3 months old - I thought it would be nice for her to see where she was going to be spending her time.
Well, I think I am going to be one of those mothers who is outside of the classroom crying while there kid is inside playing. It is a beautiful school, and the teachers are great - I've not heard one negative thing about it, but...she's my baby and it's a little to much like she's growing up! I'm not ready for it.
And then there are all the things that it brings with it. We are going to have to get much more scheduled to get 2 kids out of the house everyday with lunches packed, etc. I don't see mornings being much fun around here for a while - 2 parents off to work and 2 kids of to their separate activities - I for see pandemonium the first week...wish me luck!!!
Well, I think I am going to be one of those mothers who is outside of the classroom crying while there kid is inside playing. It is a beautiful school, and the teachers are great - I've not heard one negative thing about it, but...she's my baby and it's a little to much like she's growing up! I'm not ready for it.
And then there are all the things that it brings with it. We are going to have to get much more scheduled to get 2 kids out of the house everyday with lunches packed, etc. I don't see mornings being much fun around here for a while - 2 parents off to work and 2 kids of to their separate activities - I for see pandemonium the first week...wish me luck!!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Strained Eyes
I spent all weekend putting numbers into a database. Why you may ask...well, we are just this much closer to launching the BETA for PARENTise!!! If you don't know - this is huge and very exciting!
So, I got eye strain this weekend because it was my job to finalize some of the details of the content and enter it into the database. Which I did. I felt really really productive and happy given that we had a really busy weekend.
My brother and sister-in-law came down with their 3 kids to visit baby girl #2 (and of course the rest of us). We hung out with them on Saturday afternoon into the evening - and again on Sunday morning. We actually went into the city on Sunday to visit with my other brother and his fiance (who I adore! and baby girl #1 calls SSSSSS....). They cooked b-fast, and we hung out for a while there and were home in time for naptime.
Anyway - with that going on AND with oh yeah - having 2 kids under 2 in the house...I was pretty impressed with what I had been able to get done. That was of course until Robert (my partner) called to tell me that I had apparently messed up the database in some way and it was no longer reporting properly! :-( Yeah, not a good feeling. That sucked, and it required me to go back to the database and review every single number that I had entered and check it agains a list. And I found....wait for it....NOTHING....
So, now I am waiting to hear back from Robert to see what it is that I did...we'll see...let's just hope I didn't break anything too seriously...
So, I got eye strain this weekend because it was my job to finalize some of the details of the content and enter it into the database. Which I did. I felt really really productive and happy given that we had a really busy weekend.
My brother and sister-in-law came down with their 3 kids to visit baby girl #2 (and of course the rest of us). We hung out with them on Saturday afternoon into the evening - and again on Sunday morning. We actually went into the city on Sunday to visit with my other brother and his fiance (who I adore! and baby girl #1 calls SSSSSS....). They cooked b-fast, and we hung out for a while there and were home in time for naptime.
Anyway - with that going on AND with oh yeah - having 2 kids under 2 in the house...I was pretty impressed with what I had been able to get done. That was of course until Robert (my partner) called to tell me that I had apparently messed up the database in some way and it was no longer reporting properly! :-( Yeah, not a good feeling. That sucked, and it required me to go back to the database and review every single number that I had entered and check it agains a list. And I found....wait for it....NOTHING....
So, now I am waiting to hear back from Robert to see what it is that I did...we'll see...let's just hope I didn't break anything too seriously...
business start up,
Friday, August 1, 2008
Blog the Recession
Motherhood Uncensored is sponoring blog the recession month - she's asking that we all use our feed readers to click through and connect with the blogs we read. The idea is that many bloggers generate advertising money based on the number of page views that their blog generates. If you read the blog through a reader, it doesn't count as a view for the advertising stats and therefore no revenue is generated for the writer.
"The premise is simple. If you read blogs, then for the month of August, make the "pledge" to click through from your feed reader. No obligation to leave a hilarious comment or send a long stalkerish email (although both, within reason, are always lovely). Just click through and if you're feeling generous, click around."
Besides - I know that I love my Google Reader...all of my favorite blogs in one place - and I owe some click through love to my favorites!

"The premise is simple. If you read blogs, then for the month of August, make the "pledge" to click through from your feed reader. No obligation to leave a hilarious comment or send a long stalkerish email (although both, within reason, are always lovely). Just click through and if you're feeling generous, click around."
Besides - I know that I love my Google Reader...all of my favorite blogs in one place - and I owe some click through love to my favorites!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Restoration Hardware Baby
Restoration Hardware has always been one of my favorite stores. Granted, we don't buy much from the store because it is expensive, but, I love going there to get ideas, and I have a bunch of stuff on my when I have enough money list...
Anyway - RH has started a gorgeous baby collection - bedding, cribs, etc. It's absolutely beautiful. This bedding set is my favorite at the moment, but alas it will not be adorning baby girl's room - since we already have her bedding set. If it ever gets ruined though...
Today I got an email from them (not sure how I got on their email list!) saying that if you register with them, you can get a coupon for $100 off a future purchase of $300 or more. Spending $300 isn't hard at RH...so this could be quite a deal - if you're going to shop there anyway. (offer ends 10/12, so get there soon!)
Let me know if you use the coupon - I'd love to hear about what you bought!
Anyway - RH has started a gorgeous baby collection - bedding, cribs, etc. It's absolutely beautiful. This bedding set is my favorite at the moment, but alas it will not be adorning baby girl's room - since we already have her bedding set. If it ever gets ruined though...
Today I got an email from them (not sure how I got on their email list!) saying that if you register with them, you can get a coupon for $100 off a future purchase of $300 or more. Spending $300 isn't hard at RH...so this could be quite a deal - if you're going to shop there anyway. (offer ends 10/12, so get there soon!)
Let me know if you use the coupon - I'd love to hear about what you bought!
Monday, July 28, 2008
I'd heard the stories - second labors are faster than the first labor. But silly me, I asked my Nurse Practitioner if that was true, and she told me that second labors were often different, but there was no statistical evidence that they were faster than first labors. Well, statistics have never been my friends, and I should have known then that I was in for it...
Looking back on it - it was not so bad...in a crazy screaming like a banshee way of not being too bad!!!!!
So, I officially went into labor at about 4:30 in the morning. Nothing too serious, just a few contractions every 15 minutes or so. But they were quiet - not painful - just a slightly more serious Braxton Hicks.
That went on for a few hours, and at about 10am, the contractions started hurting a bit. Not too much, but a little bit. I knew from my first labor that once the contractions started to hurt, it was real. And, I was right.
The contractions started getting regular and they were causing me to use my breathing techniques, but they were still only every 15 minutes. Baby girl was coming home from my mother-in-laws at about 5:15 and I wanted to have a special night with her, so I called dear husband and made plans to take her to the pool and to our family Friday restaurant (Boston Market!!! - don't ask!)
While at the pool they started coming every 10 minutes and required pause and breathing - but still not too bad. We made it through the pool time, dinner and bedtime routine, it was all good. Baby girl went to sleep, and the contractions started for real. It was like they were waiting for Baby girl to go to sleep...
Anyway - about 8 o'clock they were 10 minutes apart and painful, but not too painful. By 9:00 they were about every 7-10 minutes apart and getting more painful - by 9:30 they were every 5 minutes apart and PAINFUL...but I knew there was worse to come.
I had my husband start timing them at that point because I thought that maybe I was going crazy. I thought - no, it's not possible that the contractions went from every 10 minutes to 5 minutes in an hour...yes, it was denial...but it was good for the moment.
By this point they were VERY PAINFUL! And, my husband confirmed that they were every 5 minutes apart. I told him to call his Mom and have her come over, and to call the MD and tell them that we were on our way in. I took a shower. By the time I got out they were every 5 minutes with the occasional one coming every 3 minutes, and Grandma was there.
After a perfunctory goodbye we were on the road. Only there was a major traffic jam on the way to the hospital so we had to go the long way. It was awful...the ride should have taken us 3 minutes, but it took 45 - an extra awful 15 minutes...I repeat awful...
We finally got to the hospital and I ended up registering in the ED with an entire waiting room full of people watching me bent at the waist standing over a desk having AWFUL contractions...a little embarrassing, but thank God I wasn't in a hospital gown at that point.
I got up to the evaluation center at 12:05, and they told me that I was 5cm dilated. I said, give me the epidural - I want the epidural this time!!! They can't give epidurals in the evaluation center, so, I had to wait until I got into an official delivery room. So...I had to wait.
At this point the contractions were non-stop, I was screaming with every single one (but I refrained from attempting to bite my husband or throwing pillows this time - score one for me!) and I was pissed. I knew that if I didn't get the epidural at that moment, the likelihood that it was going to happen before I delivered the baby was small to nill.
Anyway - they moved me to a delivery room 30 minutes later, and the anesthesiologist came in. I managed to sit on the bed, and my pure desire for the epidural held me sitting straight w/o moving for what felt like 30 minutes, but was probably only 5. My husband was holding me as the MD was sticking a needle and a catheter in my back.
While this was going on - I told my MD that if it didn't happen now it wasn't going to happen, that if my water broke - that was it, this baby was coming in 10 minutes.
And guess what...seconds later...my water broke - all over the stretcher and floor, but it missed my husbands flip flopped feet! And the epidural - the lovely epidural that I was hoping and dreaming about...yeah - he missed and it didn't take. (apparently it wouldn't have mattered if he had gotten it right - there wouldn't have been enough time for it to have taken even if it had worked)
So, I sat there and felt that all to familiar urge to push and - yeah - Baby girl #2 was born. Exactly 1 hour and 17 minutes after I got to the hospital!
Baby girl #2 was born and things are good. More on that later!
Looking back on it - it was not so bad...in a crazy screaming like a banshee way of not being too bad!!!!!
So, I officially went into labor at about 4:30 in the morning. Nothing too serious, just a few contractions every 15 minutes or so. But they were quiet - not painful - just a slightly more serious Braxton Hicks.
That went on for a few hours, and at about 10am, the contractions started hurting a bit. Not too much, but a little bit. I knew from my first labor that once the contractions started to hurt, it was real. And, I was right.
The contractions started getting regular and they were causing me to use my breathing techniques, but they were still only every 15 minutes. Baby girl was coming home from my mother-in-laws at about 5:15 and I wanted to have a special night with her, so I called dear husband and made plans to take her to the pool and to our family Friday restaurant (Boston Market!!! - don't ask!)
While at the pool they started coming every 10 minutes and required pause and breathing - but still not too bad. We made it through the pool time, dinner and bedtime routine, it was all good. Baby girl went to sleep, and the contractions started for real. It was like they were waiting for Baby girl to go to sleep...
Anyway - about 8 o'clock they were 10 minutes apart and painful, but not too painful. By 9:00 they were about every 7-10 minutes apart and getting more painful - by 9:30 they were every 5 minutes apart and PAINFUL...but I knew there was worse to come.
I had my husband start timing them at that point because I thought that maybe I was going crazy. I thought - no, it's not possible that the contractions went from every 10 minutes to 5 minutes in an hour...yes, it was denial...but it was good for the moment.
By this point they were VERY PAINFUL! And, my husband confirmed that they were every 5 minutes apart. I told him to call his Mom and have her come over, and to call the MD and tell them that we were on our way in. I took a shower. By the time I got out they were every 5 minutes with the occasional one coming every 3 minutes, and Grandma was there.
After a perfunctory goodbye we were on the road. Only there was a major traffic jam on the way to the hospital so we had to go the long way. It was awful...the ride should have taken us 3 minutes, but it took 45 - an extra awful 15 minutes...I repeat awful...
We finally got to the hospital and I ended up registering in the ED with an entire waiting room full of people watching me bent at the waist standing over a desk having AWFUL contractions...a little embarrassing, but thank God I wasn't in a hospital gown at that point.
I got up to the evaluation center at 12:05, and they told me that I was 5cm dilated. I said, give me the epidural - I want the epidural this time!!! They can't give epidurals in the evaluation center, so, I had to wait until I got into an official delivery room. So...I had to wait.
At this point the contractions were non-stop, I was screaming with every single one (but I refrained from attempting to bite my husband or throwing pillows this time - score one for me!) and I was pissed. I knew that if I didn't get the epidural at that moment, the likelihood that it was going to happen before I delivered the baby was small to nill.
Anyway - they moved me to a delivery room 30 minutes later, and the anesthesiologist came in. I managed to sit on the bed, and my pure desire for the epidural held me sitting straight w/o moving for what felt like 30 minutes, but was probably only 5. My husband was holding me as the MD was sticking a needle and a catheter in my back.
While this was going on - I told my MD that if it didn't happen now it wasn't going to happen, that if my water broke - that was it, this baby was coming in 10 minutes.
And guess what...seconds later...my water broke - all over the stretcher and floor, but it missed my husbands flip flopped feet! And the epidural - the lovely epidural that I was hoping and dreaming about...yeah - he missed and it didn't take. (apparently it wouldn't have mattered if he had gotten it right - there wouldn't have been enough time for it to have taken even if it had worked)
So, I sat there and felt that all to familiar urge to push and - yeah - Baby girl #2 was born. Exactly 1 hour and 17 minutes after I got to the hospital!
Baby girl #2 was born and things are good. More on that later!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
She's Here
We welcomed our new baby girl into the world at 1:17am on July 18, 2008.
Baby Girl #2 entered the world with a full head of pitch black hair and weighing in at 7lbs 5.8oz...
She's pretty amazing...although almost an exact opposite of her big sister that you would think they were from 2 different families. BG#2 has dark hair, BG #1 has light red hair...BG#2 weighed in at about 1lb more than BG#1 did when she was born...BG#2 cries...not incessantly, but more than BG#1 who everyone thought never cried...(wasn't true...but impressions count for a lot...) and there is more...but you get the point.
I am sorry to say that the delivery was almost exactly the same as with BG#1...I went from 5cm dilated when we got to the hospital (at 12:05am) to baby girl being born in oh - 1 hour and 12 minutes...which, if you've had a baby or witnessed a birth before you can imagine meant no epidural...just like with BG#1... The difference this time was that they actually attempted the epidural, but it failed, and from what they told me even if he had gotten it to hit "the spot", it wouldn't have mattered because it would have taken another 5-10 minutes to activate and baby girl was already in the world at that point...
Anyway - there was a lot of pain, A LOT of screaming (although less than last time - chalk it up to experience)...and a lot of JOY! We're in love w/ her already...which I was scared of...scared that I was too in love with BG #1 to love another in the same way...but the advice was right - it is instantaneous...
We are having some regression issues with Big Sis, but more on that later...
Baby Girl #2 entered the world with a full head of pitch black hair and weighing in at 7lbs 5.8oz...
She's pretty amazing...although almost an exact opposite of her big sister that you would think they were from 2 different families. BG#2 has dark hair, BG #1 has light red hair...BG#2 weighed in at about 1lb more than BG#1 did when she was born...BG#2 cries...not incessantly, but more than BG#1 who everyone thought never cried...(wasn't true...but impressions count for a lot...) and there is more...but you get the point.
I am sorry to say that the delivery was almost exactly the same as with BG#1...I went from 5cm dilated when we got to the hospital (at 12:05am) to baby girl being born in oh - 1 hour and 12 minutes...which, if you've had a baby or witnessed a birth before you can imagine meant no epidural...just like with BG#1... The difference this time was that they actually attempted the epidural, but it failed, and from what they told me even if he had gotten it to hit "the spot", it wouldn't have mattered because it would have taken another 5-10 minutes to activate and baby girl was already in the world at that point...
Anyway - there was a lot of pain, A LOT of screaming (although less than last time - chalk it up to experience)...and a lot of JOY! We're in love w/ her already...which I was scared of...scared that I was too in love with BG #1 to love another in the same way...but the advice was right - it is instantaneous...
We are having some regression issues with Big Sis, but more on that later...
baby girl,
Birth story,
first birthday,
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Interesting Post
I thought I would share this post...I thought it was interesting - what do you think?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
This horrible story found it's way to me tonight...I want to cry.
I always thought it was such a cliche when people said, you can never know a parents love until you become a parent. But, now I know it's true. I love baby girl so much even thinking about her leaving this world make me shake. And the truth is, I think about it a lot. I worry about her constantly, about her getting in the car with her father and driving away and all that could happen while she's away from me...about her falling and hurting herself and me not being there...about her crying for her Momma, and my not being there...even writing this makes me cry...
She's so amazing, so special, so much a part of me...
God bless these parents, and all parents who have lost their children...I can't even focus anymore this whole topic upsets me so much...
I always thought it was such a cliche when people said, you can never know a parents love until you become a parent. But, now I know it's true. I love baby girl so much even thinking about her leaving this world make me shake. And the truth is, I think about it a lot. I worry about her constantly, about her getting in the car with her father and driving away and all that could happen while she's away from me...about her falling and hurting herself and me not being there...about her crying for her Momma, and my not being there...even writing this makes me cry...
She's so amazing, so special, so much a part of me...
God bless these parents, and all parents who have lost their children...I can't even focus anymore this whole topic upsets me so much...
Friday, July 4, 2008
Catching Up
Baby Got New Shoes
I bought some cute new shoes for baby girl, and I got them on EBay. See, you may not know this, but I have a thing for shoes, yes, I like adult shoes, but I am talking about baby shoes. I like knowing that they are well designed and good for her feet. I like them to be cute and to be
well made. I don't however, like them to be too expensive.

We went to a local shoe store the other day - Olly - and bought a pair of summer sandals for $41.00!!! That night I went on EBay and thought I'd just check out what was up for sale. I got 4 pairs of shoes in the past 30 days for less than $25.00 and they are all super cute, in good condition, and good shoes. Needless to say I returned the $$$ pair.
2 of the pairs were Stride Rite shoes, which I've heard good things about, but hadn't tried out yet - here are some pictures - cute right! And they were $6.50 a pair when you average them out - what a steal!

We went to a local shoe store the other day - Olly - and bought a pair of summer sandals for $41.00!!! That night I went on EBay and thought I'd just check out what was up for sale. I got 4 pairs of shoes in the past 30 days for less than $25.00 and they are all super cute, in good condition, and good shoes. Needless to say I returned the $$$ pair.
2 of the pairs were Stride Rite shoes, which I've heard good things about, but hadn't tried out yet - here are some pictures - cute right! And they were $6.50 a pair when you average them out - what a steal!
So, thank you sellers: madmegee and fb169 - we (both baby girl, I and DH) love our new shoes!``
Monday, June 30, 2008
Today I sent out the first invitation to join PARENTise.com! This is a milestone moment - the site that I have been dreaming about has finally come to be reality! I need to pinch myself.
But before I do - can I ask you to do me a favor and take a look at the site - at www.parentise.com and register to become a member. In a few weeks we'll be sending out our Beta testing invitation to everyone registerd and you'll be among the first to enter your product and service reviews on PARENTise!!!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
But before I do - can I ask you to do me a favor and take a look at the site - at www.parentise.com and register to become a member. In a few weeks we'll be sending out our Beta testing invitation to everyone registerd and you'll be among the first to enter your product and service reviews on PARENTise!!!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool Site
There is this really cool site out there that I want to share with you guys - check out www.kirtsy.com
. It is the old SKIRT site, under a new name, but they've done a great job rebranding and I couldn't help but pass it on! Take a look when you get a chance!
Mommy and Daddy
Babygirl started saying Mommy and Daddy this week. I mean, she's been saying Momma and Dadda, for a long time now (you know for the past 10 months or so)...but she just started saying Mommy and Daddy. There's something different about Mommy and Daddy - it's just a touch more real - a touch more something - you know...
It's like she's growing up, and it's all happening one word at a time and Mommy and Daddy are just another marker of how fast it's all happening...
It's like she's growing up, and it's all happening one word at a time and Mommy and Daddy are just another marker of how fast it's all happening...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
This Makes Sense
Alright - I've expressed my fears about how you can open you heart to another human being after having had the first experience of motherhood. One of my favorite blog writers even commented on the post, which was really nice...
Anyway - the point is that I found another descriptor (from Rebecca Woolf of This Girl's Gone Child and the author of Rockabye) that is helping me get to understand how it is...yes, Babygirl was my first entre into motherhood, and I'll always have a special place in my heart for her, but I think I get it - I'll also make room for this new baby and he or she will also hold a special (but different) place in my heart...
Here's the quote from the post:
"Clearly I am most excited about this pregnancy because of Archer. Because he was once kicking the same walls she is. And now, three and a half years later I have this perfect little person by my side, bouncing in my lap, rocking my world, loving me back, which can only mean that very soon, she will be too. And preparing to fall in love all over again?"
and you can read the whole thing here...
Anyway - the point is that I found another descriptor (from Rebecca Woolf of This Girl's Gone Child and the author of Rockabye) that is helping me get to understand how it is...yes, Babygirl was my first entre into motherhood, and I'll always have a special place in my heart for her, but I think I get it - I'll also make room for this new baby and he or she will also hold a special (but different) place in my heart...
Here's the quote from the post:
"Clearly I am most excited about this pregnancy because of Archer. Because he was once kicking the same walls she is. And now, three and a half years later I have this perfect little person by my side, bouncing in my lap, rocking my world, loving me back, which can only mean that very soon, she will be too. And preparing to fall in love all over again?"
and you can read the whole thing here...
Her Bad Mother,
second baby,
This Girl's Gone Child
Looking Back on Roseola
So, now that we're out of the woods with the Roseola virus, I feel comfortable saying...I am so glad that kids typically only get it once...it was AWFUL!
Here is a picture of what Roseola does to poor little babies...and this doesn't even take into account the high high high fever...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Just wanted to say Congratulations to my brother Mark and his now fiancee Stephanie! They got engaged on Thursday and called us to tell us the news. We're so excited - we love Stephanie or SSSSSSSSS as baby girl calls her!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Crib Bedding

What do you think - I'm psyched - it's cute - neutral and matches the colors in the room.
I was a little nervous that it looked a little bit "boy", but my husband actually thought it looked a little "girl" - so I figure that's a good thing!
We got it at Kids and Kribs in Wayne, it was on a crib as a sample, they had to take it off for me...which was nice - and I got a little discount for taking the floor model version! BONUS!
The brand is Skip Hop, and the staff at the store said that Banana Fish is making the bedding for Skip Hop, which makes sense since I love Banana Fish - Dear Daughter's bedding is Banana Fish.
What Would You Do?
So on my way home from work today, I was running, yes I am 37 weeks prego tomorrow, and I was running, through the train station attempting to make the early train so that I could get home and spend some time w/ baby girl before she went to sleep.
Well, as I was making my way through the station I saw a man lying on the floor w/ crutches next to him. I saw a whole bunch of people look and walk by, so my first thought was that he was ok. Something made me stop though. I knelt down by him and said, "sir are you ok?" he didn't respond. I noticed that he had what looked like gauze pads that you would get after having an IV or a blood draw and he had a hospital ID badge on his wrist.
He was breathing, but rapidly and he didn't respond to me. I ran over to the station police, but there was noone inside, so I called 911. After calling 911 2 other women came by, but no men. Not a single man stopped to see if he needed help, or if we needed help. Luckily, one of the women was a nurse, and she took his pulse and checked his breathing and confirmed that he was breathing and had a pulse, but said there was nothing that could be done until the medics got there. I was glad - she stayed until the medics arrived.
Long story short, the medics finally arrived w/o a stretcher. But even worse was that they were walking as if there was not an emergency to be rushing to. I was so angry when I saw them sauntering over to us, all I could think was THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT PEOPLE...HE'S LAYING ON THE FLOOR GOD DARN IT (although my internal choice of language was much more severe).
Finally, the guys w/the stretcher came - again they were walking! I just don't understand. When someone calls 911 and reports an unconcious person lying on the floor wouldn't that constitute and emergency for you.
This whole situation made me cry. First because of all the people who just walked by and ignored him. Second because the people who are paid to care, didn't seem to give a darn, and third, because this poor man, with one leg amputated at the knee, and most likely homeless, was lying on the floor, and all I could think is...he's someone's son, someone's Dad, someone's friend...and he's here lying on the floor...it really could be any of us...
What would you have done?
Well, as I was making my way through the station I saw a man lying on the floor w/ crutches next to him. I saw a whole bunch of people look and walk by, so my first thought was that he was ok. Something made me stop though. I knelt down by him and said, "sir are you ok?" he didn't respond. I noticed that he had what looked like gauze pads that you would get after having an IV or a blood draw and he had a hospital ID badge on his wrist.
He was breathing, but rapidly and he didn't respond to me. I ran over to the station police, but there was noone inside, so I called 911. After calling 911 2 other women came by, but no men. Not a single man stopped to see if he needed help, or if we needed help. Luckily, one of the women was a nurse, and she took his pulse and checked his breathing and confirmed that he was breathing and had a pulse, but said there was nothing that could be done until the medics got there. I was glad - she stayed until the medics arrived.
Long story short, the medics finally arrived w/o a stretcher. But even worse was that they were walking as if there was not an emergency to be rushing to. I was so angry when I saw them sauntering over to us, all I could think was THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT PEOPLE...HE'S LAYING ON THE FLOOR GOD DARN IT (although my internal choice of language was much more severe).
Finally, the guys w/the stretcher came - again they were walking! I just don't understand. When someone calls 911 and reports an unconcious person lying on the floor wouldn't that constitute and emergency for you.
This whole situation made me cry. First because of all the people who just walked by and ignored him. Second because the people who are paid to care, didn't seem to give a darn, and third, because this poor man, with one leg amputated at the knee, and most likely homeless, was lying on the floor, and all I could think is...he's someone's son, someone's Dad, someone's friend...and he's here lying on the floor...it really could be any of us...
What would you have done?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sharing Responsibility

One of the profiled couples has it broken out so much that they have it that one person does the dark wash and one person does the whites...just so that they have an even division of labor.
The article was really good - I like having an insight into other peoples lives, but I must say that even with my task oriented mind set - I couldn't figure out how to break things out like some fo these people.
My husband and I have a fairly traditional inside outside relationship - as in he handles everything outside. But that's not because I can't or don't want to - but he really likes being outside and working on the lawn and the house and stuff...and I well...I don't. Not that I like scrubbing toilets, but that's the good thing - he'll scrub the toilet too...so I guess I've got it pretty good.
What about you?
Alright - the number 105 doesn't really mean anything unless you put it into context. I mean - if you told me you were going to give me $105, I'd be happy. If you said that the pair of shoes I wanted to buy was $105 I'd say - hmm...those are a bit expensive. If you said you had 105 kids, well I'd know you were lying...well...I guess you could have adopted a lot...
Anyway - my point is that I've never really thought of the number 105 before last night. But last night - I thought about it a lot! Last night baby girls fever hit 105 degrees. Luckily, I have a friend who just happens to be a pediatric nurse, and we just happened to be on the phone minutes before I took her temperature. While we were talking her temp was only 104.2, but when we hung up and I took it again - it was 105.1. I called her back and she said - calmly I might add - ok - you need to pack her up and take her to the ER.
So, we did.
Only on the way there dear husband decided to call our MD, who was still having office hours and told us to bring her right in. Which, we did. Well, 2 hours of sitting in the MD's office later, which I must admit, while not fun, was much better than sitting in the ER - her fever came down about 1.5 degrees, and we left with instructions to do a clean catch of urine in the morning.
If you've ever tried to get a urine sample from a 19 month old...well...I won't go into the details, but it wasn't fun. But we got it. Her fever today has stayed lower - a high of 103.2, but that's still high.
Apparently she has been exposed to the Roseola virus - which causes high fevers for up to 5 days. Kids get sick, but the 105 number is the magic number - anything at 105 and above is serious business. I never want to see 105 on a thermometer again.
Now about that $105 you owe me!
Anyway - my point is that I've never really thought of the number 105 before last night. But last night - I thought about it a lot! Last night baby girls fever hit 105 degrees. Luckily, I have a friend who just happens to be a pediatric nurse, and we just happened to be on the phone minutes before I took her temperature. While we were talking her temp was only 104.2, but when we hung up and I took it again - it was 105.1. I called her back and she said - calmly I might add - ok - you need to pack her up and take her to the ER.
So, we did.
Only on the way there dear husband decided to call our MD, who was still having office hours and told us to bring her right in. Which, we did. Well, 2 hours of sitting in the MD's office later, which I must admit, while not fun, was much better than sitting in the ER - her fever came down about 1.5 degrees, and we left with instructions to do a clean catch of urine in the morning.
If you've ever tried to get a urine sample from a 19 month old...well...I won't go into the details, but it wasn't fun. But we got it. Her fever today has stayed lower - a high of 103.2, but that's still high.
Apparently she has been exposed to the Roseola virus - which causes high fevers for up to 5 days. Kids get sick, but the 105 number is the magic number - anything at 105 and above is serious business. I never want to see 105 on a thermometer again.
Now about that $105 you owe me!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Would you take your Mother to see it...
This was the question I posed to my girlfriend after we watched the new Sex in the City Movie together this weekend. Would you take your Mother to see it? Could you watch this with your Mother?
It was an innocent question - I know the answer for myself - NO WAY ON EARTH, but I am always intrigued by the relationships that others have with their mothers, and I know my girlfriend and her mother are close by most measures of the word. But, she said no, she most certainly wouldn't be bringing her mother to see the movie
**Spoiler Alert** Don't read any further if you haven't seen the movie and don't want to know more about it.
Surprisingly enough to me, there were a number of "older" (read 60ish, maybe 70ish) women in the theater that I saw the movie in. I wish I had known that before the movie started - I would have been interested in seeing their faces when the sex symbol of the movie's penis was shown. Or when Miranda and her husband were shown in the midst of hot sweat SEX and his behind was shown pumping up and down...or when...oh, you get the point.
But I guess that isn't the only reason I wouldn't bring my mother to the movie - although it is probably the largest one - by FAR!
I wouldn't bring my Mom to the movie because I don't think she would understand it. I don't think that she shares a relationship as close as the ladies in the move have. One scene that stands out in my mind is when Carrie gets out of the limo to beat the daylights out of Big with her bouquet and Charlotte is holding her and screams "NO"!!! Her eyes made the moment, big and filled with tears and anger that only someone who has loved a friend as closely as she loved Carrie could bring to bear.
My Mother just doesn't have those relationships with people. I am lucky enough to have one or two - ok, maybe 3 of them myself. People for whom I would do anything and if anyone hurt them I would protect them with my life. But it reminded me that not everyone has that. Not everyone could support their friend through a crisis like these ladies did. Not everyone wants to be in a relationship that makes them feel as much as a friendship like this does.
I wonder if someday the generational equivalent of SITC will come out with a movie and my daughter will be asked the same question. I wonder what she'll say. I'm taking bets she'll say no, but I hope that's only because she doesn't want to watch a sex scene with her mother, not because she think her mother will understand the depth of a relationship with a best friend.
Do you have friends you would protect like Charlotte protects Carrie? Have you ever had to?
It was an innocent question - I know the answer for myself - NO WAY ON EARTH, but I am always intrigued by the relationships that others have with their mothers, and I know my girlfriend and her mother are close by most measures of the word. But, she said no, she most certainly wouldn't be bringing her mother to see the movie
**Spoiler Alert** Don't read any further if you haven't seen the movie and don't want to know more about it.
Surprisingly enough to me, there were a number of "older" (read 60ish, maybe 70ish) women in the theater that I saw the movie in. I wish I had known that before the movie started - I would have been interested in seeing their faces when the sex symbol of the movie's penis was shown. Or when Miranda and her husband were shown in the midst of hot sweat SEX and his behind was shown pumping up and down...or when...oh, you get the point.
But I guess that isn't the only reason I wouldn't bring my mother to the movie - although it is probably the largest one - by FAR!
I wouldn't bring my Mom to the movie because I don't think she would understand it. I don't think that she shares a relationship as close as the ladies in the move have. One scene that stands out in my mind is when Carrie gets out of the limo to beat the daylights out of Big with her bouquet and Charlotte is holding her and screams "NO"!!! Her eyes made the moment, big and filled with tears and anger that only someone who has loved a friend as closely as she loved Carrie could bring to bear.
My Mother just doesn't have those relationships with people. I am lucky enough to have one or two - ok, maybe 3 of them myself. People for whom I would do anything and if anyone hurt them I would protect them with my life. But it reminded me that not everyone has that. Not everyone could support their friend through a crisis like these ladies did. Not everyone wants to be in a relationship that makes them feel as much as a friendship like this does.
I wonder if someday the generational equivalent of SITC will come out with a movie and my daughter will be asked the same question. I wonder what she'll say. I'm taking bets she'll say no, but I hope that's only because she doesn't want to watch a sex scene with her mother, not because she think her mother will understand the depth of a relationship with a best friend.
Do you have friends you would protect like Charlotte protects Carrie? Have you ever had to?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Am I a 12 Year Old in an Adult Body?
I was talking with our 12 year old neighbor the other day...turns out that she and I like the same television shows...
Question: Does this say more about me or about what type of shows her parents let her watch. Dear Husband seems to think it says more about me...I tend to agree...
Question: Does this say more about me or about what type of shows her parents let her watch. Dear Husband seems to think it says more about me...I tend to agree...
I am scared. Scared that this new baby who I have yet to meet will take time away from my first baby. Scared that I won't be able to love the new baby as much as I love my first baby. I am dealing with the second fear, but still feeling the first one strongly. I am so worried that my baby girl will be hyper aware of the time that the new baby takes her Momma away from her. I am afraid that she will feel less loved and that will translate into bad feelings in her head. I am scared of so many things.
I know that so many parents have done this before me, and many more will do it after me, and that everyone says that you just make room to love and you just make time for each of them, but, somehow I just don't understand how baby #2 can make you feel as much as baby #1, but I hope that all of these fears are unfounded...I guess we'll see.
This post says what I am trying to say so much better than I can...she really captured the feelings...this one too...
I know that so many parents have done this before me, and many more will do it after me, and that everyone says that you just make room to love and you just make time for each of them, but, somehow I just don't understand how baby #2 can make you feel as much as baby #1, but I hope that all of these fears are unfounded...I guess we'll see.
This post says what I am trying to say so much better than I can...she really captured the feelings...this one too...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
4 Days in the Life
So, due to some day care issues, I got to spend an extra day home with baby girl. We had a great 3 day weekend, hit the zoo, the pool, the park, and had some playdates with friends.
We hit the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa (who was recovering from a complete shoulder reconstruction, but looking good!) and Aunt Nicole and Abby. The girls had a lot of fun, the animals didn't do any special shows, but the peacock did let us get awfully close and we got some great picutres.
Today, baby girl and I ran some errands. She was great while I was in the doctor's office getting some blood drawn and we picked up my lost wallet, played outside, went to the park, and then hung out with Dadda when he got home...all in all a pretty great 4 day weekend!
Babygirl is hysterical - she loves being pushed around in our new double stroller, the Phil and Teds E3 - one side empty of course as the new baby isn't here yet. I think the neighbors must think we're crazy with the double stroller and only one kid - but she's having fun!
We hit the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa (who was recovering from a complete shoulder reconstruction, but looking good!) and Aunt Nicole and Abby. The girls had a lot of fun, the animals didn't do any special shows, but the peacock did let us get awfully close and we got some great picutres.
Today, baby girl and I ran some errands. She was great while I was in the doctor's office getting some blood drawn and we picked up my lost wallet, played outside, went to the park, and then hung out with Dadda when he got home...all in all a pretty great 4 day weekend!
Babygirl is hysterical - she loves being pushed around in our new double stroller, the Phil and Teds E3 - one side empty of course as the new baby isn't here yet. I think the neighbors must think we're crazy with the double stroller and only one kid - but she's having fun!
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Kid in Me
Sneaky secret - after 4 minutes, neither Zach nor I could get an apple the old fashioned way -so I grabbed one - but I DID forfeit the win and Zach walked away with the prize!
I'm hoping this shot will help me win a prize the old-fashioned way. Who wouldn't want to win a Wii!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Summer Fun!
We're looking forward to a summer full of fun at the pool and the beach! We took babygirl to the pool today (see picture), she had a great time - laughing and smiling the whole time. Can't wait to take her to the outdoor pool (opened this weekend, but it's still a bit cold for baby girl) this summer. If this summer is anything like last one - we'll be there 3-4 nights during the week and all weekend long.
But this year will be just that much better - she's so much more active this year. She's so much better at mobility related things...scary how things change so much in just one year.
We're planning on going to the beach to...have a trip planned in August - Grandma rented a shore house down in OC, and we'll try to "borrow" a shore house for 4th of July weekend to do a "baby moon" with baby girl. They have a house in Strathmere that's right across the street from the beach - which is great for baby girl.
Anyway - we'll be having lot's of fun this summer - and hopefully we'll win the great prize that Parent Bloggers has going on with Little Swimmers! Wish us luck!
But this year will be just that much better - she's so much more active this year. She's so much better at mobility related things...scary how things change so much in just one year.
We're planning on going to the beach to...have a trip planned in August - Grandma rented a shore house down in OC, and we'll try to "borrow" a shore house for 4th of July weekend to do a "baby moon" with baby girl. They have a house in Strathmere that's right across the street from the beach - which is great for baby girl.
Anyway - we'll be having lot's of fun this summer - and hopefully we'll win the great prize that Parent Bloggers has going on with Little Swimmers! Wish us luck!
Friday, May 23, 2008
I am a planner. I enjoy knowing what the plan is for the future. I would plan 10 years ahead if it made sense, but most of the time it doesn't. But sometimes it does. That's where Mint comes in!
I love this free - yes - free software! It helps me figure out where my money is going. Automatically pulls the information from my counts, created a budget for me. and now it tracks my investments!
If you're looking for a new way to look at your finances give Mint a try! It's not time consuming, but it can help you plan for the future!
I love this free - yes - free software! It helps me figure out where my money is going. Automatically pulls the information from my counts, created a budget for me. and now it tracks my investments!
If you're looking for a new way to look at your finances give Mint a try! It's not time consuming, but it can help you plan for the future!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Home Alone
Dear Husband is out and about tonight with his friends. Technically he is at a stinky hockey rink playing hockey with a friend he hasn't seen in about 2 years, but who am I to judge that. And he's going to have a boy's night out coming up soon, where they'll sit around and watch the UFC show as a pre-going to boot camp night for one of his best friends. All good.
Why is it that men and women have different ideas on what a good time is. I am planning on having a date with a girlfriend - going to the movies to see the new SITC movie. I'm planning another date too, garage sales on Saturday morning. Certainly not the equivalent of dressing up in dirty stinky hockey pads and skating around a rink with a bunch of people I don't know and coming home hours later exhausted, which will lead to a bad morning. Or, watching a bunch of half naked men hit each other until they bleed and call one of them the winner. No, we just seem to have slightly different ideas of a night out.
Why is it that men and women have different ideas on what a good time is. I am planning on having a date with a girlfriend - going to the movies to see the new SITC movie. I'm planning another date too, garage sales on Saturday morning. Certainly not the equivalent of dressing up in dirty stinky hockey pads and skating around a rink with a bunch of people I don't know and coming home hours later exhausted, which will lead to a bad morning. Or, watching a bunch of half naked men hit each other until they bleed and call one of them the winner. No, we just seem to have slightly different ideas of a night out.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
New Toy
Darling husband tells me to count it as my push present, anniversary present (5 years in September) and birthday present combined. I'm ok w/ that!
So, you're probably asking - what is it - a set of diamond earrings? Nope. A new car? Nope (I wish). A watch? No again.
It's a beautiful Nikon D80 Digital SLR camera. I love it!! It is secondhand, but we got it from the Ritz Camera store locally, so we know that it is in excellent condition. It has less than 2500 pictures taken with it which is really low. Plus, we already had Nikon lenses that work with it, so we saved money there.
Anyway - I love this camera. It finally let's me take the type of pictures I have been trying to take for almost 2 years now. See the example!
What type of camera do you have? What type of camera do you want?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
What I Know Now

What I know now about motherhood...
I know that patience is something that can grow because you love your baby girl. I know that the laugh of your child is the most precious thing ever, especially when your significant other is making him/her laugh. I know that family is the best way to manage your sanity - Grandmothers and Grandfathers are amazing! I know that marriage becomes harder after you have kids, it's just harder to connect when you want to give all of your love to a little being. I know, that it's possible to love another human being more than you would have ever thought possible.
Check out the Mother's Day Giveaway Contest at:
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Are you Kidding Me?
I just read this blog piece: and I couldn't believe that magazines have actually decided to print articles and get "experts" to weigh in on this. Yes, I know that my pediatrician recommended that darling girl be off the bottle @ 12 months, but I also know that she recommended that she be off the binky by 15 months, and well...that hasn't happened! Why on earth would anybody think it was their responsibility to tell Katie Holmes how to parent her child...I get the whole - she's a public figure and therefore what she does is open to scrutiny, but come on - leave some things alone people...
Monday, May 5, 2008
Ok...I just stopped laughing and had to post this..check out this post from Motherhood Uncensored...
The post is good, but the comments are even better - check them out!
Oh my, we use the "correct" terms for baby girls parts, and it does make my DH uncomfortable, but I feel like it's important to start it all out right...I guess we'll see in a couple of years! Baby girl doesn't yet talk about her parts...she has taken to touching them lately - especially when she's on the potty - she'll reach down after wiping and grab herself...but hey - the girl also sticks her hand in her own pee pee (that's in the potty), so we'll handle one thing at a time...
The post is good, but the comments are even better - check them out!
Oh my, we use the "correct" terms for baby girls parts, and it does make my DH uncomfortable, but I feel like it's important to start it all out right...I guess we'll see in a couple of years! Baby girl doesn't yet talk about her parts...she has taken to touching them lately - especially when she's on the potty - she'll reach down after wiping and grab herself...but hey - the girl also sticks her hand in her own pee pee (that's in the potty), so we'll handle one thing at a time...
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Missing You
I read this really great post in one of the Real Simple Blogs and I had to share:
It made me think about how much I miss my friends. Specifically you Heather and Amy! We haven't seen each other in forever. Why - well, Heather went off to the Sudan for a few months and then came back, but before that she moved to NYC, and it just hasn't happened. Amy moved to San Diego - jealous much, and well - she doesn't come back East very much, but the last time she did, we just missed each other.
So, it really sucks! And, I just don't know how to fix it. But this post made me think that I have to give some more time and energy to working on it. I mean, this is a period in our lives that we won't come to again, and I want them to be a part of it...I miss them...give me a call ladies!
It made me think about how much I miss my friends. Specifically you Heather and Amy! We haven't seen each other in forever. Why - well, Heather went off to the Sudan for a few months and then came back, but before that she moved to NYC, and it just hasn't happened. Amy moved to San Diego - jealous much, and well - she doesn't come back East very much, but the last time she did, we just missed each other.
So, it really sucks! And, I just don't know how to fix it. But this post made me think that I have to give some more time and energy to working on it. I mean, this is a period in our lives that we won't come to again, and I want them to be a part of it...I miss them...give me a call ladies!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
My Week...
This week has been a bit hectic. Here's the breakdown!
On Tuesday Baby Girl had her 18 month old well check. I was expecting for shots, but she only got 2 and she was a trooper. She cried for 10 seconds max and then stopped. She even gave the nurse a hug. She certainly doesn't have my nerves or pain reflexes - I would have been crying for a week and complaining that the spot where they gave me the shot hurt. Anyway - she jumped up to 92% in height, and she's staying steady in the 53% in weight, and of course - she's still breaking records - 98% in head circumference!!!
On Wednesday I had my OB visit. I am officially 29 weeks and some odd days now. That's exciting. I was talking to the NP about trying to have a natural delivery again. Funny - now that I know what it feels like to do it naturally, I think I am even more scared than I was of the unknown. I mean - it HURT...I really thought that I was going to pass out from the pain, but I didn't. So, you may ask, if it hurt so bad, why not just get the epidural. Well, first - as I noted above, I hate needles, I have very severe anxiety about any kind of needle including something as small as a finger prick (which I personally think hurts like HE--). Secondly, I really liked the fact that after she was delivered, I was me again. I could move around and get out of bed with no restrictions. And of course the idea that all in all it's better for the baby if I don't have meds...but all that being said, I am just not sure what I want to do this time. I think I am going to do something totally abnormal for me and just wait and see what happens! Imagine that!
Had some issues at work this week too. My colleague and I seemed to have gotten way off of the beaten path w/ each other and I didn't know what was going on. Well it seems like a whole bunch of stuff was working on him and I wasn't aware of most of it, but he also let a couple of other people say things that made him think I was being devious and underhanded. We finally talked on Friday and I must say that I am pretty hurt by the whole situation and not sure what to do. I had thought that we had built up a great relationship and for him to allow a couple of minor things reduce me to not even getting the benefit of the doubt...I don't' know...I am still pretty worn down by the whole thing. In the end I asked him how he could think that I was attempting to be devious given the fact that I am about 10 weeks away from taking a 3 month maternity leave during which time I'll have no control over what happens at the office. He thought about that for a second and agreed that it didn't make sense, but it was what he had been feeling, which I get...but...come on...
Anyway, not sure what I am going to do about that - but I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Today I went garage saleing in the morning. Got some great deals. I got like 10 pieces of Janie and Jack clothing (jeans, sweaters, pants, etc.) for $5 - and it was in great condition. I know, I should have felt bad - cause it kind of felt like stealing to get such a great deal, but the woman knew how much she had paid and it was all she was asking for, so how guilty could I really feel...alright - I'm going to forget about it - nothing I can do now.
Then DH and I went and looked at a stroller I had found on Craig's List - and we got quite a deal on that too...$275 for a Phil and Ted's E3 Double Stroller. This thing hasn't even been used. The wheels still had the little spokey (yes, I think that is the official word for them) things on them that come off when they roll on asphalt...GREAT DEAL. OK, it's not the Valco that I wanted, but it's a great stroller and DH even liked it - so I am going to enjoy it and forget about the Valco for a while!
Alright - those are the highlights - next time I'll have to do better about keeping on top of the blogging. Forgive me!
On Tuesday Baby Girl had her 18 month old well check. I was expecting for shots, but she only got 2 and she was a trooper. She cried for 10 seconds max and then stopped. She even gave the nurse a hug. She certainly doesn't have my nerves or pain reflexes - I would have been crying for a week and complaining that the spot where they gave me the shot hurt. Anyway - she jumped up to 92% in height, and she's staying steady in the 53% in weight, and of course - she's still breaking records - 98% in head circumference!!!
On Wednesday I had my OB visit. I am officially 29 weeks and some odd days now. That's exciting. I was talking to the NP about trying to have a natural delivery again. Funny - now that I know what it feels like to do it naturally, I think I am even more scared than I was of the unknown. I mean - it HURT...I really thought that I was going to pass out from the pain, but I didn't. So, you may ask, if it hurt so bad, why not just get the epidural. Well, first - as I noted above, I hate needles, I have very severe anxiety about any kind of needle including something as small as a finger prick (which I personally think hurts like HE--). Secondly, I really liked the fact that after she was delivered, I was me again. I could move around and get out of bed with no restrictions. And of course the idea that all in all it's better for the baby if I don't have meds...but all that being said, I am just not sure what I want to do this time. I think I am going to do something totally abnormal for me and just wait and see what happens! Imagine that!
Had some issues at work this week too. My colleague and I seemed to have gotten way off of the beaten path w/ each other and I didn't know what was going on. Well it seems like a whole bunch of stuff was working on him and I wasn't aware of most of it, but he also let a couple of other people say things that made him think I was being devious and underhanded. We finally talked on Friday and I must say that I am pretty hurt by the whole situation and not sure what to do. I had thought that we had built up a great relationship and for him to allow a couple of minor things reduce me to not even getting the benefit of the doubt...I don't' know...I am still pretty worn down by the whole thing. In the end I asked him how he could think that I was attempting to be devious given the fact that I am about 10 weeks away from taking a 3 month maternity leave during which time I'll have no control over what happens at the office. He thought about that for a second and agreed that it didn't make sense, but it was what he had been feeling, which I get...but...come on...
Anyway, not sure what I am going to do about that - but I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Today I went garage saleing in the morning. Got some great deals. I got like 10 pieces of Janie and Jack clothing (jeans, sweaters, pants, etc.) for $5 - and it was in great condition. I know, I should have felt bad - cause it kind of felt like stealing to get such a great deal, but the woman knew how much she had paid and it was all she was asking for, so how guilty could I really feel...alright - I'm going to forget about it - nothing I can do now.
Then DH and I went and looked at a stroller I had found on Craig's List - and we got quite a deal on that too...$275 for a Phil and Ted's E3 Double Stroller. This thing hasn't even been used. The wheels still had the little spokey (yes, I think that is the official word for them) things on them that come off when they roll on asphalt...GREAT DEAL. OK, it's not the Valco that I wanted, but it's a great stroller and DH even liked it - so I am going to enjoy it and forget about the Valco for a while!
Alright - those are the highlights - next time I'll have to do better about keeping on top of the blogging. Forgive me!
Monday, April 28, 2008
The Invisibility Phenomenon
Now, I won't claim to have discovered this phenomenon, but I do experience it everyday, and I feel the need to comment on it.
I ride the train to and from work everyday. On this daily train ride, I have had the following 2 experiences almost everyday.
1) An elderly or pregnant passenger gets on the train. Noone moves. Finally, a young woman will get up and ask if the passenger would like to sit. Now, there is no shortage of men on the trains, but 9 times out of 10, it is a woman and a young woman at that (I'd say younger than 35) who gets up. I don't understand this.
2) People line up or queue (depending on where you are from) in order to get on the train. There are clearly people who have been waiting for a while (longer than you), yet it never fails that someone from the back will squeeze their way through and try to get to the front. Or just step in front of someone who has been waiting in line and get on ahead of them.
I call these two things the invisibility phenomenon. Why on earth do people think it is OK to behave like this? I really don't get it. Do you?
I ride the train to and from work everyday. On this daily train ride, I have had the following 2 experiences almost everyday.
1) An elderly or pregnant passenger gets on the train. Noone moves. Finally, a young woman will get up and ask if the passenger would like to sit. Now, there is no shortage of men on the trains, but 9 times out of 10, it is a woman and a young woman at that (I'd say younger than 35) who gets up. I don't understand this.
2) People line up or queue (depending on where you are from) in order to get on the train. There are clearly people who have been waiting for a while (longer than you), yet it never fails that someone from the back will squeeze their way through and try to get to the front. Or just step in front of someone who has been waiting in line and get on ahead of them.
I call these two things the invisibility phenomenon. Why on earth do people think it is OK to behave like this? I really don't get it. Do you?
Friday, April 25, 2008
I Failed, Then I Passed
So, last Friday I got a call that I had failed the 1hour glucose tolerance test. That was a bit of a shocker since I've only gaine abou 10lbs w/ this pregancy and I thought that gestational diabetes resulted in really large babies and (to be honest) large Moms too.
Despite my misgivings about it - I had to go in for the 3 hour glucose tolerance test. Ok - this is how it works. You fast overnight and go in. When you get there they take a vial of blood, make you drink the sugar drink and then you wait. An hour later they take your blood again, and they do that 2 more times on the hour.
If you know me you know that I have a history of passing out when I get my finger pricked let alone a blood draw. So this was an ORDEAL for me. But I did it. And despite having failed the first test, I just found out that I passed the second.
I am kind of frustrated that I had to go through all of that - I hate getting my blood drawn and to have passed the test means it was all for naught. But the smarter side of my brain says that it was necessary - that if it had been positive I would have had to have been testing sugars and the baby could have had complications. I am going to focus on that side - otherwise I might cry again about having to give blood.
It's OK - I admit it - I'm a wimp...when it comes to blood!
Despite my misgivings about it - I had to go in for the 3 hour glucose tolerance test. Ok - this is how it works. You fast overnight and go in. When you get there they take a vial of blood, make you drink the sugar drink and then you wait. An hour later they take your blood again, and they do that 2 more times on the hour.
If you know me you know that I have a history of passing out when I get my finger pricked let alone a blood draw. So this was an ORDEAL for me. But I did it. And despite having failed the first test, I just found out that I passed the second.
I am kind of frustrated that I had to go through all of that - I hate getting my blood drawn and to have passed the test means it was all for naught. But the smarter side of my brain says that it was necessary - that if it had been positive I would have had to have been testing sugars and the baby could have had complications. I am going to focus on that side - otherwise I might cry again about having to give blood.
It's OK - I admit it - I'm a wimp...when it comes to blood!
Too Cute
Baby Girl had on the cutest outfit today - little Madras shorts and a green long sleeve t-shirt - so cute. Even cuter (ok - sick) is the fact that Daddy has matching shorts! Can't wait to get them dressed up together.
Didn't get a picture, but will post one the next time she's in them...too cute for words!
Didn't get a picture, but will post one the next time she's in them...too cute for words!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Loving Husband
I do love him, I do. So don't take my complaints the wrong way. I know I am a lucky woman to have a great husband like B, but...
The other night we were out at my SIL's house and it was time to go. I go to my purse to grab my keys and can't find them. This is somewhat typical of me, so I start taking things out figuring they are at the bottom of the bag. Still can't find them. Finally DH notices me looking frantically through my bag and says as if I should have known..."the car is started already". I said, "with my keys?" He says, "Yes". I say - "SO YOU WENT IN MY PURSE, TOOK OUT MY KEYS, STARTED THE CAR and I WAS SUPPOSED TO FIGURE THIS OUT HOW SINCE YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING?" He says, " I don't know"...
This is not atypical...one of the reasons I love him...one of the reasons I....
The other night we were out at my SIL's house and it was time to go. I go to my purse to grab my keys and can't find them. This is somewhat typical of me, so I start taking things out figuring they are at the bottom of the bag. Still can't find them. Finally DH notices me looking frantically through my bag and says as if I should have known..."the car is started already". I said, "with my keys?" He says, "Yes". I say - "SO YOU WENT IN MY PURSE, TOOK OUT MY KEYS, STARTED THE CAR and I WAS SUPPOSED TO FIGURE THIS OUT HOW SINCE YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING?" He says, " I don't know"...
This is not atypical...one of the reasons I love him...one of the reasons I....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My husband is great - don't get me wrong. BUT...yes there is a BUT... he is passive aggressive. We just got into a fight - why you might ask...I'll tell you. Because he gets these looks on his face like what are you talking about when I say something and then when I call him on it by saying, "what are you looking at me like that for - what don't you get", he says, "WHAT? I didn't say anything."
Hello, your face says it all. And he takes no accountability for setting me off...it's always I don't know why you are getting so upset. Darling - I am upset because you are sitting there looking at me like I am an idiot and then you deny the fact that you did it.
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this. I hate fighting with him period, but it sucks when it is so stupid it shouldn't have happened, but yet it happens all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, your face says it all. And he takes no accountability for setting me off...it's always I don't know why you are getting so upset. Darling - I am upset because you are sitting there looking at me like I am an idiot and then you deny the fact that you did it.
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this. I hate fighting with him period, but it sucks when it is so stupid it shouldn't have happened, but yet it happens all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Disappointed in Myself
This morning I was walking through the train station on the way to work - something I do 5 days a week, so nothing new. But today there was a homeless man standing against a wall in the station and he didn't have any shoes on. I didn't stop. I feel like an awful person. There was a Dunkin Donuts 3 minutes away - I could have asked him if he was hungry and gotten him something to eat, but I didn't. I stop for homeless people all the time, give them food, money, etc. but this morning I didn't stop and this man was clearly in dire straits - I mean seriously, he had no shoes on. Disappointed
I have no idea what was going on in my head. I considered stopping, but kept on walking. I didn't even stop. Isn't that the issue, people can ignore other people, we can walk by other people on the street who are in need without a thought about them. We can pass by people but be too engaged in our own worlds to realize that they need our help. As a society, we don't help other people the way that we should...I don't want to feel like this again.
I have no idea what was going on in my head. I considered stopping, but kept on walking. I didn't even stop. Isn't that the issue, people can ignore other people, we can walk by other people on the street who are in need without a thought about them. We can pass by people but be too engaged in our own worlds to realize that they need our help. As a society, we don't help other people the way that we should...I don't want to feel like this again.
Desperate Housewives returned to t.v. this weekend - it was alright - but not nearly as good as I used to think it was. I say, think it was, because I am not sure that it was ever really that good. But, the exciting piece of information is that Grey's Anatomy is also returning and so is - my guilty pleasure - Gossip Girl!
Yes, I admit that I watch Gossip Girl. I know that as a woman of a certain age it isn't a great thing to admit to, but I like it. I like watching how crazy people live! Definitely a guilty pleasure. A bit more guilty may be - the fact that I watch Desperate Housewives of NY. But I will also say that I only watch that on TIVO. So, maybe that's not so bad.
My darling husband hates my t.v. watching habits, and to be honest so do I, but I just can't help myself. What shows do you consider your guilty pleasure?
Yes, I admit that I watch Gossip Girl. I know that as a woman of a certain age it isn't a great thing to admit to, but I like it. I like watching how crazy people live! Definitely a guilty pleasure. A bit more guilty may be - the fact that I watch Desperate Housewives of NY. But I will also say that I only watch that on TIVO. So, maybe that's not so bad.
My darling husband hates my t.v. watching habits, and to be honest so do I, but I just can't help myself. What shows do you consider your guilty pleasure?
gossip girl,
Grey's Anatomy,
guilty pleasure,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Why Drinking Water is Bad for the Environment
So, I've been trying to be good about my water intake since I've been pregnant. I was recently given a great 32oz Nalgene bottle from a colleague who went to a vendor conference, and I am using it to measure my water intake and to remind me to drink at least 32oz a day, preferrable 64oz.
Well, my conclusion - as a pregnant person, I am single handedly helping to destroy the environment, because I pee so much! I am constantly running to the bathroom - I counted no less than 10 times today. Just thinking about the amount of water it takes to flush a toilet, that's a lot of water...I may be doing good for the new baby, but this can't be good for the environment!
Well, my conclusion - as a pregnant person, I am single handedly helping to destroy the environment, because I pee so much! I am constantly running to the bathroom - I counted no less than 10 times today. Just thinking about the amount of water it takes to flush a toilet, that's a lot of water...I may be doing good for the new baby, but this can't be good for the environment!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Pregnancy Induced Insomnia
I have never had a problem sleeping. Matter of fact - I can sleep an entire day away and not feel the teeniest bit guilty. Well...that has changed since the birth of baby girl number 1, but you get the point. I have been this way as long as I can remember. I used to go to be at 9 or 10 and not wake up until noon. When I was in graduate school I reverted back to my highschool ways and did the same thing when I didn't have class in the morning or a paper to write on the weekends. I have never been good at staying up late. I never did the partying until dawn thing in college (or ever), I was always just too tired.
Not last night. Apparently I got my first taste of pregnancy induced insomnia last night. I have no clue why, but I just couldn't fall asleep until after 3:30 - then I was out. But that really doesn't bear well for today. Not to mention that I was exhausted yesterday and could barely hold my head up, and then I couldn't sleep...it was double torture.
I hope this doesn't last long...and I know all the stories about your body preparing you for the baby, but I've already done this once - does this mean this baby is going to be an even worse sleeper than baby girl?
Not last night. Apparently I got my first taste of pregnancy induced insomnia last night. I have no clue why, but I just couldn't fall asleep until after 3:30 - then I was out. But that really doesn't bear well for today. Not to mention that I was exhausted yesterday and could barely hold my head up, and then I couldn't sleep...it was double torture.
I hope this doesn't last long...and I know all the stories about your body preparing you for the baby, but I've already done this once - does this mean this baby is going to be an even worse sleeper than baby girl?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
This post from Crazy Working Mom over at http://tishblack.blogspot.com/2008/04/just-facts.html made me LMAO...
"I am counting my blessings because...• The penis of a rhinoceros is 2 feet long.• The penis of a mosquito is a hundredth of an inch long.• The praying mantis bites her mate's head off while he impregnates her.• Elephants are pregnant for two years.• Many animals give birth to a dozen or more babies at a time.• My baby won't be born with hooves."
"I am counting my blessings because...• The penis of a rhinoceros is 2 feet long.• The penis of a mosquito is a hundredth of an inch long.• The praying mantis bites her mate's head off while he impregnates her.• Elephants are pregnant for two years.• Many animals give birth to a dozen or more babies at a time.• My baby won't be born with hooves."
I May Be a Bad Person
I may be a bad person - well at least I had a bad thought. The other day, two days ago, I think...memory is fading the further I get in this pregnancy - I was pulling out of my parking spot at the gym (after a fairly decent workout if I do say so myself). While I was pulling out and looking in my rear view mirror, ***like you are supposed to*** I saw a large Yukon pulling in to their spot. Okay, nothing unusual there, but after they had pulled in, they put the car in reverse and started backing out. Mind you, I was already backing out, just the tip of my car was still in my parking spot.
Well, here comes the bad person thinking...while I was watching this happen, I thought to myself "What if I just let them back into me..." Now, let's be clear, my daughter was NOT in the car w/ me, and we were both backing out of parking spots, so we were going like 2 miles an hour, but yes, it still might make me a bad person.
Well, I did not let the car hit me, I stopped pulling out and watched for what felt like an eternity, but was most likely only a few seconds, and then when I noticed that they were clearly not looking out their rear view mirror - evidenced by the fact that they kept pulling out and got inches away from my car - I honked my horn very loudly. They then pulled back into their spot and I drove off.
So, I may be a bad person, but maybe not. Anyone else ever have those types of thoughts run through your head?
Well, here comes the bad person thinking...while I was watching this happen, I thought to myself "What if I just let them back into me..." Now, let's be clear, my daughter was NOT in the car w/ me, and we were both backing out of parking spots, so we were going like 2 miles an hour, but yes, it still might make me a bad person.
Well, I did not let the car hit me, I stopped pulling out and watched for what felt like an eternity, but was most likely only a few seconds, and then when I noticed that they were clearly not looking out their rear view mirror - evidenced by the fact that they kept pulling out and got inches away from my car - I honked my horn very loudly. They then pulled back into their spot and I drove off.
So, I may be a bad person, but maybe not. Anyone else ever have those types of thoughts run through your head?
Friday, April 11, 2008
So, you might be asking yourself, why is this blog called PARENTise...well, the answer to that is...I am in the process of starting my own web based business, and at the moment, the best name I have come up with is PARENTise...which I like because it is a play on the word expertise and pretty much describes the idea behind the business. But I'm not really ready to share the details of the plan yet, so more on that whole thing later!
Starting Up
So, this is post#1 - out of well, what I hope will be many.
You see, I am in the process of changing my life and I figured I might as well share...
Yes, I am changing my life. How you might ask - and my answer would be - BY GOING CRAZY!
And, that would be true, but only partially. What I mean by GOING CRAZY...is that I am in the process of starting a new business while I am pregnant. Currently just about 6 and 1/2 months prego. Oh yeah, I already have one baby girl @ home - she's 17 months (see the cutest baby picture in the world to the left), a husband and a house we are planning on renovating. Well, not just renovating, but adding a major addition to.
So, come here and watch me GO CRAZY...well, hopefully not, but you know what I mean...
You see, I am in the process of changing my life and I figured I might as well share...
Yes, I am changing my life. How you might ask - and my answer would be - BY GOING CRAZY!
And, that would be true, but only partially. What I mean by GOING CRAZY...is that I am in the process of starting a new business while I am pregnant. Currently just about 6 and 1/2 months prego. Oh yeah, I already have one baby girl @ home - she's 17 months (see the cutest baby picture in the world to the left), a husband and a house we are planning on renovating. Well, not just renovating, but adding a major addition to.
So, come here and watch me GO CRAZY...well, hopefully not, but you know what I mean...
changing life,
first blog post,
first post,
starting out
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