Sunday, August 17, 2008


Exciting news! We are so close to the Beta live at and it's getting more exciting by the moment!

This past week, while I was virutally incommunicado, my partner did some major design work! I was so excited to see it - it was really exciting to see what has been in my head for so long come to fruition! I was giddy with excitement, I didn't expect to feel that way - but it is pretty darn AWESOME!!

Also, I was able to contact a few business owners I know about advertising, and they sent me their banner ads so that we could have them up for the Beta live - well, right now I only have one - but it looks great, and I hope to have the other real soon! Thank you to Angela from and to Jen from!

And I got a few of the content areas completed - which was time consuming and feels great to have accomplished!

Then today - I think I might have finally found a lawyer to help with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy - which we need to go live! That would be a big weight lifted off of my shoulders!

So, all in all even with the lack of internet access, this week was pretty good for PARENTise - and we are so many steps closer to the real thing - I can feel it - and I am so ready!

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