Sunday, May 25, 2008

Summer Fun!

We're looking forward to a summer full of fun at the pool and the beach! We took babygirl to the pool today (see picture), she had a great time - laughing and smiling the whole time. Can't wait to take her to the outdoor pool (opened this weekend, but it's still a bit cold for baby girl) this summer. If this summer is anything like last one - we'll be there 3-4 nights during the week and all weekend long.

But this year will be just that much better - she's so much more active this year. She's so much better at mobility related things...scary how things change so much in just one year.

We're planning on going to the beach to...have a trip planned in August - Grandma rented a shore house down in OC, and we'll try to "borrow" a shore house for 4th of July weekend to do a "baby moon" with baby girl. They have a house in Strathmere that's right across the street from the beach - which is great for baby girl.

Anyway - we'll be having lot's of fun this summer - and hopefully we'll win the great prize that Parent Bloggers has going on with Little Swimmers! Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Summer Fun said...

hope you'll have fun will your little angel!!! and yes i wish you also win something!!