Friday, August 29, 2008



Did you know that Thomas' English Muffins used to be made with High Fructose Corn Syrup? I didn't! But apparently they've changed the recipe and they are now NOT made with High Fructose Corn Syrup. Who knew. Score one for reading labels...I just assumed that whole wheat muffins were know what they say when you assume!
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Maybe not good news...

Apparently Maya's Mom is closing down.

I can't figure out if this is a good thing - the members will need something to replace it - as apparently some of them are very upset and not planning on moving on to BabyCenter; or a bad thing - if it didn't work for them who am I to think that my site will work.

Yes, we have a totally different premise, but it is essentially the same demographic and well, having anything in the market that I'm focused on close down is scary. VERY SCARY...reassurance would be appreciated.


Go Hillary! The speech she gave last night was just great. Republican or Democrat I think that all women (and men) should be really proud of her! She almost made it to the Presidency (maybe in 8 years she'll try again) and she gave a great speech last night.

Check it out here and here and here

Good stuff...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Women's Equality Day

My mother-in-law sent this to me today so I thought I would put it out there. We've come a long way, and have a long way to go...sometimes it's good to be remembered that we're not quite there yet!

But hey - we only get 1 day - what's up with that?

Monday, August 25, 2008



Baby Girl #1 and I had a great time hanging out yesterday. I read about this activity over at Tutus and Turtles. I don't consider myself to be a creative person, so it's always nice when someone else lays out a cool activity like this.

I dyed the pasta on Friday and left it to sit overnight. It dried all day Saturday out in the sun (it didn't need all day, but we were busy, so it did). I pulled it out during our day together, yesterday, and baby girl had a great time. She played with the pasta for an hour! An hour of focused time for a not quite 2 year old - unfathomable! It was great. I sat with her and we sorted pasta, counted it, laid it out in straight lines, sat on it, saved some from the cat, was a good time.

I'll be sure to head back to Tutus and Turtles the next time I need an activity!
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Maybe I'm Not Such a Bad Mom

I'll admit it - I was scared. Scared to have them both home alone at the same time. Yes, it's been almost 6 weeks, and I haven't been home alone with both girls for more than an hour or so.

But I was today. You see, my husband has this mistress - called hockey. He refs hockey from September through to May, and it takes him away from home for many many many hours...but you'll hear more about that another time. The point is that he was at hockey from 7am to 5pm today...

Last night I was anxious and scared. You see, Darling Daughter #1 has a tendency to grab and hit Baby Girl #2. I don't think she means anything by it - I think it is pretty normal stuff for an almost 2 year old who just had her life turned upside down when this new baby came to live in the room next to hers (well she doesn't quite live in that room yet, but you know what I mean). So, I'm not worried about her being a sociopath or anything like that - I understand that is normal, but the problem is that it is never ending. On Saturday - she grabbed her sister's face 5 times in a row - and by in a row I mean - she grabbed, we pulled her aside, sat with her explained why she couldn't grab and how it hurt, and went back to life. She went right back over to her sister and grabbed her again. Then did it 4 more times.

So, I was scared. Scared that while I was nursing Baby Girl #2, she would do something crazy. Scared that it would be a fight - her grabbing her her sister, me taking her aside, her sister crying and screaming, her crying...the scenario continues.

But it wasn't like that. It was actually really great to have them both home and together. We played, and walked, and hung out and it was good. #2, was doing good - had no problems, and #1 didn't try to grab her - not even once.

It was a good day - and it made me feel like maybe I'm not so bad at this parenting thing after all. Maybe...there's still tomorrow and the next 100 years to get through.

Friday, August 22, 2008

My Life

My life on maternity leave continued...:

* 1 pumping session
* Changed diaper
* Drove to husband's office to drop off the items he forgot today
* Dropped off books (only 1 day overdue) at the library
* Nursed baby girl
* Ate breakfast
* Talked with Nicole by phone
* Played with baby girl
* Nursed baby girl
* Cleaned out the food cabinet
* Nursed baby girl
* Changed diaper
* Fixed a problem with a company I was dealing with
* Reordered prescriptions
* Watched more t.v.
* Nursed baby girl
* Reviewed grocery circulars
* Read the news
* Blogged....

All in a day's work...and tonight - we're off to Boston Market for Friday night dinner!

Math - Not so Tough Anymore?

A new study reports to show that the gap between girls and boys as it relates to math capabilities...Check it out here

I only wish that this were the case years ago. I want to go back to my Junior year math teacher who told my aunt, "she just doesn't get math", and tell her to shove it...

Maybe now no one will say this to my girls!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I just found a great deal - Seventh Generation offers coupons on their website for their diapers! $2.00 off, that's a really good deal. To think - I've been buying them for over a year and a half now, and I could have been saving money!

Bad news - they don't work online and we order our diapers from that sucks, but I can make it to the store every once in a while if it's going to save me money!

Just go to their website and register and you can print them from there!

Trying the big G

When we had baby girl #1, we used cloth diapers on her for the first 6 months. I would have gone on longer, but my mother-in-law and day care lady (who combined account for 5 days of childcare for her) weren't well...I guess the word is enthusiastic...about the use of the cloth diapers. I didn't really see much of an increased time committment to using them, but then again it was all I really knew...

Anyway - we would have done it again with baby girl #2, but we decided that since our child care arrangements hadn't changed it would be prudent to choose another option. So, we are going the route of a mix of disposable diapers and hybrid diapers.

You may be asking - what are hybrid diapers...well, they are a cloth diaper outside with a disposable inside - meaning you reuse the outside and throw away the insides. The great thing is that the insides are biodegradable, so you aren't throwing anything out into the environment that will last for the next 100 years or so, or pollute the environment. We'll probably make use of Seventh Generation diapers for her while she is in the care of my MIL or our day care lady, just because that is what they want, and they are great so, we like to make them happy!

Anyway - back to the G diapers...they aren't cheap - $0.41 a diaper where we buy them, compared to $.031 for the Seventh Generation disposables for her size, but I consider it an investment in the environment and in her future...

So far they've been easy to use - living up to their ability to be flushed in the toilet, and they come with really cute diaper covers - I just need to get a few more of them.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Exciting news! We are so close to the Beta live at and it's getting more exciting by the moment!

This past week, while I was virutally incommunicado, my partner did some major design work! I was so excited to see it - it was really exciting to see what has been in my head for so long come to fruition! I was giddy with excitement, I didn't expect to feel that way - but it is pretty darn AWESOME!!

Also, I was able to contact a few business owners I know about advertising, and they sent me their banner ads so that we could have them up for the Beta live - well, right now I only have one - but it looks great, and I hope to have the other real soon! Thank you to Angela from and to Jen from!

And I got a few of the content areas completed - which was time consuming and feels great to have accomplished!

Then today - I think I might have finally found a lawyer to help with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy - which we need to go live! That would be a big weight lifted off of my shoulders!

So, all in all even with the lack of internet access, this week was pretty good for PARENTise - and we are so many steps closer to the real thing - I can feel it - and I am so ready!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I am going through withdrawal - I am currently on vacation and the house that we are staying at does not have wireless (or any) internet connection! AHHH...the horrors!

No, seriously, this is hard for me. I was supposed to have some work for the website done this week, and now I can't do it because I have no internet connection to get to the stuff I need and to do the research I need, let alone to email it to my partner. Now we'll be a week behind getting the site up.

We stayed at this house last year, and we had wireless, this year we don't. You might be thinking - go to an internet cafe or a library...and sure that would work, except, I have a 3 week old baby and a 21 month old toddler who wouldn't do really well sitting still while Mommy works! I can't even imagine.

Anyway - I am on vacation - so I should enjoy it - the weather is beautiful, the beach is great, and baby girl is having a good old time! I could tell you some of the more sordid details, but that will have to wait until I get back...

Friday, August 8, 2008

A Day in the Life

A Day in the life of me on maternity leave - alright - well - half a day...

* 3 loads of wash done
* 2 loads of wash folded
* 2 sets of sheets changed
* 2 loads of laundry put away
* 2 pumping sessions (yeah)
* innumerable diapers changed
* A LOT of television watched
* A LOT of computer time
* started packing for the shore
* A LOT of Swedish Fish eaten

Ahh...and they say that out of the house work is hard...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back to School

After visiting the school that baby girl will be attending in AHHHHH just under 1 month, I realized that I have to get some school supplies! Not the traditional back to school stuff, but I need a lunch box and some permanent markers to write her name on everything and probably a few iron on tags, etc. It's almost like preparing for camp...

Anyway - the ladies over at Cool Mom Picks have done a lot of the guess work for us, they've got a review section for the best back to school items! It's worth taking a look at!

Cool Mom Picks Back to School Guide

World Breastfeeding Week

If you didn't know, it is World Breastfeeding Week a week to celebrate and encourage breastfeeding. As a nursing mom, I totally support this type of educational week. I swear people think that breastfeeding is dirty - otherwise I can't explain the dirty looks I get when I nurse my daughter (and I always wear a Hooter Hider so it's not even like they can see my breast or anything.

Although I must admit that at first it was daunting to nurse in public - even with a cover - it has gotten so much easier - there isn't much you can do when you have a screaming child who needs to be fed...hence it gets easier. The first time baby girl #1 needed to be fed in public I remember hiding behind my stroller sitting on a bench with my cover and trying not to look anyone in the eye. Now, I'll sit anywhere and do it, although I am not comfortable enough not to be covered... (but more power to you if you are!)

Even my husband would rather I go somewhere "private"...but as I tell him - when you are responsible for feeding our daughter from your body you can go anywhere private that you want, but I am going to continue leading my life.

I get that it has to do with the breasts and that makes people uncomfortable, but when I need to feed my daughter...that's what needs to happen, and how uncomfortable can you be when you can't see anything? Thoughts?


I've been reading a lot about back to school lately, and luckily, my 21 month and 3 week old are far from needing protractors and Trapper Keepers (remember them from back in the day?) my daughter is starting a Montessori school this September. This morning I took my Mother-in-law to visit the school, since she has been taking care of baby girl 3x a week since she was 3 months old - I thought it would be nice for her to see where she was going to be spending her time.

Well, I think I am going to be one of those mothers who is outside of the classroom crying while there kid is inside playing. It is a beautiful school, and the teachers are great - I've not heard one negative thing about it, but...she's my baby and it's a little to much like she's growing up! I'm not ready for it.

And then there are all the things that it brings with it. We are going to have to get much more scheduled to get 2 kids out of the house everyday with lunches packed, etc. I don't see mornings being much fun around here for a while - 2 parents off to work and 2 kids of to their separate activities - I for see pandemonium the first week...wish me luck!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Strained Eyes

I spent all weekend putting numbers into a database. Why you may ask...well, we are just this much closer to launching the BETA for PARENTise!!! If you don't know - this is huge and very exciting!

So, I got eye strain this weekend because it was my job to finalize some of the details of the content and enter it into the database. Which I did. I felt really really productive and happy given that we had a really busy weekend.

My brother and sister-in-law came down with their 3 kids to visit baby girl #2 (and of course the rest of us). We hung out with them on Saturday afternoon into the evening - and again on Sunday morning. We actually went into the city on Sunday to visit with my other brother and his fiance (who I adore! and baby girl #1 calls SSSSSS....). They cooked b-fast, and we hung out for a while there and were home in time for naptime.

Anyway - with that going on AND with oh yeah - having 2 kids under 2 in the house...I was pretty impressed with what I had been able to get done. That was of course until Robert (my partner) called to tell me that I had apparently messed up the database in some way and it was no longer reporting properly! :-( Yeah, not a good feeling. That sucked, and it required me to go back to the database and review every single number that I had entered and check it agains a list. And I found....wait for it....NOTHING....

So, now I am waiting to hear back from Robert to see what it is that I did...we'll see...let's just hope I didn't break anything too seriously...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Blog the Recession

Motherhood Uncensored is sponoring blog the recession month - she's asking that we all use our feed readers to click through and connect with the blogs we read. The idea is that many bloggers generate advertising money based on the number of page views that their blog generates. If you read the blog through a reader, it doesn't count as a view for the advertising stats and therefore no revenue is generated for the writer.

"The premise is simple. If you read blogs, then for the month of August, make the "pledge" to click through from your feed reader. No obligation to leave a hilarious comment or send a long stalkerish email (although both, within reason, are always lovely). Just click through and if you're feeling generous, click around."

Besides - I know that I love my Google Reader...all of my favorite blogs in one place - and I owe some click through love to my favorites!
